Iroquois-Kankakee Regional Office of Education

  • 1 Stuart Drive • Kankakee, IL 60901

Dr. Patricia High
Regional Superintendent


Dr. Jonathan Sikma
Assistant Regional Superintendent

I-KAN Schools

I-KAN Schools provides educational support for at-risk students. Our schools service students with unique needs who may have issues with attendance, be credit deficient, be in danger of dropping out or who are expulsion eligible.

Students All Learning Together (SALT) programs help students earn course credits toward high school graduation in a self-paced, instructor-assisted environment. I-KAN Schools offers a credit recovery program for students who are lacking high school credits for a variety of reasons: truancy, dropout, potential dropout, and chronic absence. There are SALT locations in Kankakee and Iroquois counties for students in grades 9-12.

The Regional Alternative Attendance Center (RAAC) program offers social/emotional and behavioral support to students who have multiple suspensions or who may be expulsion eligible. We offer a low student/staff ratio and use a trauma-informed model to build resilience and inter-personal awareness in our students. The goal of the RAAC Programs is to have our students successfully transition back to their home school. Students are constantly working on improving their behaviors as well as school attendance. Some of the tools used are incentives through the diflucan system that reward perfect attendance as well as positive behavior during the day.

Our Kankakee location serves students from both Iroquois and Kankakee counties in grades 6-12.

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan 

The I-KAN Regional Office of Education, including I-KAN Students All Learning Together (SALT) and Regional Alternative Attendance Center (RAAC) Schools, Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan reflects I-KAN ROE’s commitment to supporting students, educators, support staff and schools as they safely return to school while address the academic, social, emotional and mental health impacts of COVID-19.

The I-KAN Regional Office of Education has adopted the following policies and procedures based on the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control. 

  • I-KAN SALT and RAAC teachers, students, staff and visitors were previously required to wear face coverings correctly over their nose and mouth at all times. Currently, I-KAN SALT and RAAC teachers, students and staff who have tested positive for Covid are required to stay at home and isolate for at least five calendar days from the onset of symptoms and can return after the five calendar days and if 24 hours fever free and have had an improvement of symptoms. Upon return, the individual is required to wear a face covering for an additional 5 days. Those without proper face coverings, are provided with one.

  • Signage as I-KAN School, stressing the importance of handwashing, are strategically located throughout the school and hand sanitizer is available in each classroom and common areas. 

  • Custodial staff clean, sanitize and maintain the facility daily and sanitize high-contact areas throughout the day.

  • Any staff or student experiencing COVID-19 symptoms are guided to the isolation room. Trained staff administer the symptomatic individual a Binax-Now Rapid Test.

  • In each situation, positive cases and their parents/guardians are walked through the process of self-isolation and return to school guidance. 

  • To increase the number of people receiving vaccinations, parents are provided information on local vaccine clinic dates, times and locations. In addition, vaccine information and clinic dates are shared via I-KAN ROE’s social media platforms. 

  • Accommodations for children with disabilities are met by following the Americans With Disabilities Act guidelines. 

  • All of these above aforementioned policies are done in coordination with state and local health officials.  

  • The I-KAN Regional Office of Education continues to meet the academic, social, emotional and mental health needs of students.

  • All I-KAN School students have access to academic materials and school staff send home assignments when a student is in quarantine. Additional teachers joined the staff to further help students with their academic needs.

  • School social workers, counselors and interventionists are available to meet with students and address any social, emotional and mental health needs. 

  • I-KAN Schools’ interventionist and attendance assistance program staff work with students and their families who may need additional support including help with school clothing, food, alarm clocks to get to school on-time and transportation.

Previous plan components included: 

  • School classroom spaces were modified to ensure students maintain at least three feet of physical distance in classrooms to reduce transmission risk. 

  • I-KAN Schools previously implemented layered prevention strategies to protect students, teachers and staff, including participating in Shield Illinois through the University of Illinois.

  • Weekly, I-KAN SALT and RAAC students participated in the Shield IL COVID-19 saliva-based test. Shield IL results were provided within 24-hours allowing I-KAN staff to quickly identify any COVID-19 positive cases, thereby reducing the risk of transmission. When a case was identified, parents are immediately notified. The local health department was also notified by Shield IL regarding any positive results. 

I-KAN Regional Office of Education

Dr. Patricia High, Regional Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Jonathan Sikma, Assistant Regional Superintendent of Schools


  • 1 Stuart Drive
    Kankakee, IL 60901
  • 815-937-2950
  • Monday-Friday • 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.